Practices for Sustainable Architecture Course Structure
1. Standards and Metrics for Green Buildings: Understanding the rationale and structure of rating systems and an in-depth look at the LEED® Rating Systems.
2. Standards and Metrics for Energy Efficient and Sustainable buildings: In this module the following systems will be covered: The Passivhaus System, The Living Building Challenge, Architecture 2030 and more.
3. Integrated Project Delivery: This module features a close look at emerging processes necessary to obtain highly-rated green and sustainable projects. New forms of project management, digital collaboration and design will be covered.
4. Green Construction and Technologies: In this module students will follow the construction of a green building starting with green specifications, moving onto the building envelope, to building systems and finally to interior finishes and landscape. The LEED® Rating System for Building Design and Construction will be tied into the process.
5. Eco-Cities: In this module students will study the global context for urbanization and then focus on specific practices used to green cities including Eco-districts, eco-villages and carbon neutral cities.
6. Future of Sustainable Design: In this module biophilia, urbiphilia, biomimicry, and ephemerization will be explored as new ways for humanity to co-evolve with the natural world.
7. Final Exam and Green Associate Prep: In this module students will complete a final exam for the course as well as receive preparation for the Green Associate Exam. Green associate is an entry level accreditation offered by the Green Building Certification Institute for professionals who plan to work in the green building industry and who plan to take the LEED® AP Exam.
Learning Objectives
At end of this course students will be able to:
– Analyze the origins and founding principles of sustainability
– Synthesize the competing motivations of empathy and self-interest to build a foundation for a new sustainable world view
– Combine the cultural, ecological, economic and experiential forces into holistic frameworks for sustainability
– Analyze the state of the world’s energy and environmental systems and value the critical role of built environment professionals in responding to that challenge
– Discover the essential role of benchmarks, standards and rating systems in focusing successful sustainable design processes and effective documentation of built projects
– Identify the critical methodologies used to achieve high levels of sustainability in the design and construction of the built environment including: Integrated project delivery; Integrated design charrettes; Building simulation; Life cycle analysis; BIM; and Green construction practices
– Recognize the range of planning principles associated with eco-cities, eco-districts, eco-villages, and landscape ecologies
– Identify emerging design influences including biophilia, biomimicry, urbiphilia (love of cities), de-materialization, and resilience
You will receive a certificate by the Jefferson University and Build Academy after you complete all the course assignments and exams: basic certificate and the certificate with CEU (Continuing Education Units). The two certificates available for the course are: basic, CEU-CPD. You can include the certificate in your CV and LinkedIn profile. We can also provide you with reference letters for job or school applications and promotions.
Prof. Rob Fleming, LEED AP

Rob Fleming is a registered architect with over 18 years’ experience of teaching, research and practice in sustainable design. He is the co-creator and Director of the award winning Master of Science in Sustainable Design Program at Philadelphia University. Rob is the author of Design Education for a Sustainable Future, a book focused on transforming design education in the 21st century. Rob is a Sustainability Fellow at Re:Vision Architecture in Philadelphia where he consults and facilitates integrated design charrettes.