Guo Kunqi

Scenario 1: Haiti, Port-au-Prince. Humid, tropical climate by Guo Kunqi.

The circle has centripetal and isotropic properties that enable dense contact and alignment between the circles, which density is not possible with other simple graphics. This high density creates the efficiency of circulation and communication.

Haiti has a generally hot and humid tropical climate. The north wind brings fog and drizzle, which interrupt Haiti’s dry season from November to January. But during February through May, the weather is very wet. Northeast trade winds bring rains during the wet season.Solid, concrete foundation, and light, flexible bamboo structure can resist to strong winds and earthquakes. Main building materials in the project such as earth, bamboo.

The project uses bamboo as a base structure, which takes advantage of the natural advantages of bamboo flexibility to effectively prevent damage caused by earthquakes. The building is a circular plane that resists strong hurricanes.

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